System – System building and description

class fiabilipy.System(graph=None)[source]

Describe a system with different components.

The components are linked together thanks to a reliability diagram. This reliability diagram is represented by a graph. This graph must have two special nodes called E and S. E represents the start of the system and S its end (names stand for “Entrée” (start) and “Sortie” (end) in French).


Let’s have a look to the following system:

     | -- C0 -- |
E -- |          | -- C2 -- S
     | -- C1 -- |

Thus, to represent such a system, you must create the three components C0, C1 and C2 and link them.

>>> C = [Component(i, 1e-4) for i in xrange(3)]
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [C[0], C[1]]
>>> S[C[0]] = [C[2]]
>>> S[C[1]] = [C[2]]
>>> S[C[2]] = ['S']

So, you can use the System object as a simple python dictionnary where each key is a component and the value associated it the list of the component’s successors.


Compute the availability of the whole system

This method compute the availability of the system at t.

Parameters:t (float or Symbol)
Returns:out (float or symbolic expression) – The availability calculated for the given t


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> power = Component('P', 1e-6, 2e-4)
>>> t = Symbol('t', positive=True)
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [power]
>>> S[power] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.availability(t) 
(200/201 + exp(-201*t/1000000)/201)*(300/301 +
>>> S.availability(1000)

The list of the components used by the system

Returns:out (list) – the list of the components used by the system, except E and S

Return a copy of the system.

Returns:out (System) – A copy of the current system


The components are the same (same reference). Only the internal graph is new


Draw the system

Draw the system with graphviz.


>>> import pylab as p
>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> powers = [Component('P{}'.format(i), 1e-6, 2e-4) for i in (0,1)]
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [powers[0], powers[1]]
>>> S[powers[0]] = S[powers[1]] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.draw()
faulttreeanalysis(output=None, order=2)[source]

Build the fault tree analysis of the system

Print (or write) the content of the dot file needed to draw the fault tree of the system.

  • output (file-like object, optional) – If output is given, then the content is written into this file. output must have a write() method.
  • order (int, optional) – This is the maximum order of the minimal cuts the function looks for.


Please, see the Graphviz <> website for more information about how to transform the ouput code into a nice picture.

findallpaths(start='E', end='S')[source]

Find all paths between two components in the reliability diagram

  • start (Component, optional) – find paths from this component
  • end (Component, optional) – find paths to this component

out (iterator) – an iterator on the paths from start to stop


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> powers = [Component('P{}'.format(i), 1e-6, 2e-4) for i in (0,1)]
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [powers[0], powers[1]]
>>> S[powers[0]] = S[powers[1]] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> list(S.findallpaths(start=powers[0])) 
[[Component(P0), Component(M), 'S']]

Compute the maintainability of the whole system

This method compute the maintainability of the system at t.

Parameters:t (float or Symbol)
Returns:out (float or symbolic expression) – The maintainability calculated for the given t


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> power = Component('P', 1e-6, 2e-4)
>>> t = Symbol('t', positive=True)
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [power]
>>> S[power] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.maintainability(t)
(1 - exp(-3*t/100))*(1 - exp(-t/5000))
>>> S.maintainability(1000)

List the minimal cuts of the system of order <= order

A minimal cut of order \(n\), is a set of \(n\) components, such as if there all unavailable, the whole system is unavailable.

This function aims to find out every minimal cuts of order inferior to order.

Parameters:order (int, optional) – The maximal order to look for.
Returns:out (list of frozensets) – each frozenset contains the components that constitute a minimal cut


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> powers = [Component('P{}'.format(i), 1e-6, 2e-4) for i in (0,1)]
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [powers[0], powers[1]]
>>> S[powers[0]] = S[powers[1]] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.minimalcuts(order=1) 
>>> S.minimalcuts(order=2) 
[frozenset(...), frozenset(...)]

Compute the Mean-Time-To-Failure of the system

The MTTF is defined as :
\(MTTF = \int_{0}^{\infty} R(t)dt\)
Returns:out (float) – The system MTTF


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> power = Component('P', 1e-6, 2e-4)
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [power]
>>> S[power] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.mttf

Compute the Mean-Time-To-Repair of the system

The MTTR is defined as :
\(MTTF = \int_{0}^{\infty} 1 - M(t)dt\)
Returns:out (float) – The system MTTR


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> power = Component('P', 1e-6, 2e-4)
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [power]
>>> S[power] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.mttr

Compute the reliability of the whole system

This method compute the reliability of the system at t.

Parameters:t (float or Symbol)
Returns:out (float or symbolic expression) – The reliability calculated for the given t


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> power = Component('P', 1e-6, 2e-4)
>>> t = Symbol('t', positive=True)
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [power]
>>> S[power] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.reliability(t)
>>> S.reliability(1000)

Return all the success paths of the reliability diagram

A success path is defined as a path from ‘E’ to ‘S’.

Returns:out (list of paths) – the list of all the success paths. A path, is defined as a list of components


>>> motor = Component('M', 1e-4, 3e-2)
>>> powers = [Component('P{}'.format(i), 1e-6, 2e-4) for i in (0,1)]
>>> S = System()
>>> S['E'] = [powers[0], powers[1]]
>>> S[powers[0]] = S[powers[1]] = [motor]
>>> S[motor] = 'S'
>>> S.successpaths 
[['E', Component(P0), Component(M), 'S'],
 ['E', Component(P1), Component(M), 'S']]